Illegal Contract Terms: Business and Employment law Illegality (void and unenforceable agreements)

An illegal contract can affect any type of agreement or transaction.

Not all illegality associated with contracts is equal.

Serious illegality typically renders a contract void or unenforceable. Legal remedies may well be out of reach of one or more the contracting parties.

But then just because there is illegality involved with contract does not necessarily mean that a court will deprive a party or all parties of any legal remedy.

Types of Illegality in Contract Law

Broadly speaking, courts will not enforce a contract which is:

What is an Illegal Contract?

An illegal contract prevents claims based on a contract when a party seeks to enforce an agreement which the law prohibits. The illegality operates primarily as a defence to legal claims.

Courts will not assist a claimant to recover a benefit from their own wrongdoing.

Whether illegally taints a contract case is decided by applying series of factors against the turn of events which gave rise to the dispute, and apply to assess the seriousness illegality.

Is a Breach of Contract Illegal?

Although a breach of contract could be said to be illegal, it’s not illegal in the relevant legal sense.

Unlawful or Illegal?

Breach of contract gives rise to a civil claim: a right to damages and a series of other remedies in appropriate cases. The unlawful conduct – unlawful because it is contrary to the terms of the contract - gives rise to the breach of contract. That breach in turn gives rise to the right of the innocent party to be compensated with damages for the breach (and other remedies, depending on the nature and seriousness of the breach).

When illegality exists, the situation is different.

One or more of the parties to the contract is deprived of legal remedies if it would mean that they would benefit or profit from the illegality.

The part of the contract – one or more clauses, or the entire contract - may be found to be void or unenforceable altogether.

A breach of contract does not deprive a party to a remedy for the breach.

Serious illegality by the party claiming breach will.

How Illegality Arises

Illegality in contracts arises in a number of ways.

Illegal Contracting

The types of illegality can overlap with one another.

What renders a contract illegal includes: