Land Lease Agreement Template

Use this land lease agreement template to create a legal document that allows a landowner to rent his land to any other person or company interested (tenant). The contract lets you specify the use of the land, which can be for agricultural, commercial, or residential purposes. This printable land lease agreement template is recommended when making any kind of land lease.

Basic Credentials of Lesser and Lessee


Name: [Lessor.FirstName] [Lessor.LastName] ​

Address: [Lessor.StreetAddress] [Lessor.City] [Lessor.PostalCode] [Lessor.Country] ​

Contact Number: [Lessor.Phone] ​

Email: [Lessor.Email] ​


Name: [Lessee.FirstName] [Lessee.LastName] ​

Address: [Lessee.StreetAddress] [Lessee.City] [Lessee.PostalCode] [Lessee.Country] ​

Contact Number: [Lessee.Phone] ​

Email: [Lessee.Email] ​

Contract Competency

In the land lease contract, there must be an express acceptance by the lessor to cede his property for the use of the lessee. However, the lessee may only use the land for the purpose for which it was agreed. It’s recommended that the lessor indicate the use to which the property may be put by way of acceptance of premises.

The LESSOR hereby declares to lease the property to the LESSEE at ______________________ (Property’s Complete Address). The LESSEE has the complete rights to utilize the property for its intended purpose, adhering to the norms specified by the LESSOR.

The tenant must be able to pay rent and maintain adequate insurance. The tenant may not commit any crimes on the property, use the property for illegal purposes, or violate stipulations that are outlined in this lease agreement.

Duration of the Lease

The document should contain a clear termination date. If this date is reached and you want to continue the lease, it’s advisable to make a new land lease agreement with the new date to avoid misunderstandings.

This land lease agreement will be in force for a duration of ( )years, commencing from the (Date of Commencement) and culminating on the day of (Date of ending), except if the contract gets terminated upon violation of the terms or occurrence of any unforeseeable circumstances. However, the duration of the land lease agreement can be increased by the LESSOR per their wish without any force or coercion by the LESSEE.

Specific Rental Amount

In case we want to place different prices on the rental months, place each of the periods followed by the price of that rental time. Otherwise, the price will remain the same for the entire duration of the contract.

The LESSEE must pay a fixed amount of USD ( ) to the LESSOR on the 1st of every month, starting from (Date of commencement). The mode of payment will be ( ). In case the LESSEE fails to pay the rent on time, the LESSOR will charge a penalty of ( ) in addition to the total monthly rent that the LESSEE is liable to pay.

The specific rental amount will stay unchanged for this period unless both parties make changes to the agreement. The renewal of the rental lease agreement shall take place annually upon the continuation of the contract with mutual consent by both parties, with a yearly increase of ( ) in addition to the rent amount of the preceding year.

LESSOR and LESSEE need to mention the mode of payment in a rental lease contract. Otherwise, there may be confusion regarding what form of payment would be acceptable to the LESSOR. An issue like this could jeopardize the return of the deposit or may result in delaying the “move-in day” for the LESSEE.

Security Deposit

The LESSEE will deposit a pre-specified amount of USD ( ) with the LESSOR as a security that the LESSEE will comply with all the mentioned terms and conditions of this rental lease agreement. The amount deposited by the LESSEE will be held by the LESSOR until the completion of the lease duration.

If the LESSEE complies with the terms and conditions of the lease contract, the LESSOR will return the deposited amount within a duration of ( ) days after the end of the rental lease agreement, including any possible extension given by the LESSOR upon particular conditions.

The LESSOR might utilize the security deposit amount to compensate for any damages arising during the occupancy of the LESSEE or at the independent choice and election of the LESSOR to pay for unpaid rent or penalties.

You must indicate the amount that’ll be taken as a deposit to initiate the land lease agreement. This amount indicated will be the amount that can be used in case of damages to the property or payment of bills at the time of termination of the contract.

If the security deposit sum is consumed by the LESSOR before the termination of the lease, the LESSOR can mandate the LESSEE to replace the security deposit amount used by the LESSOR.

If the LESSEE does not move out, they must return the security deposit at the end of their lease. If there are any damages, the LESSEE will have to cover them with their own money.

In exceptional circumstances, if the Lessor [Lessor.FirstName] [Lessor.LastName] sells the property mentioned in the agreement, the LESSOR may transfer the security deposit amount to the new owner. The LESSOR has to notify the LESSEE regarding the sale of the property and transfer of the security deposit amount. In that case, the LESSOR will be discharged of all responsibilities of returning the security deposit amount.

It’s necessary to indicate the form of payment when writing the lease contract. This is to avoid confusion as to how payment will be made and which payments are accepted by the lessor. Farm land lease agreement template may include alternative payment methods such as shares of the crop or animals raised on the land.