All businesses operating or generating income in the City of Charleston are required to pay an annual business license fee for the privilege of doing business in the City. Click on the drop down bars below to find more information on the City's business license process and requirements.
Create a Customer Self Service (CSS) account to apply for permits, schedule inspections, renew business licenses, search public records, and more!
If you have trouble creating an account, contact our Digital Services Specialist at (843) 579-7683 or .
Review business license fees, local taxes such as the Hospitality Tax, and how to annually renew a business license.
2 George Street - Suite 3700, First Floor, Charleston, SC 29401
Phone: (843) 724-3711
Visit the Permit Center webpage for more information.
Annual license fees are based on the gross income for the business or projected gross for new businesses and the rate class based on NAICS code. Once your business license application is approved, you will receive an invoice to pay your business license fee.
The hospitality tax is a uniform tax of 2% on the gross proceeds derived from the sales of prepared meals, food, and beverages sold in or by establishments, or those licensed for on-premises consumption of alcoholic beverages, beer, or wine.
The 2% hospitality tax is due on the 20th day of each month. Payments submitted after the 20th are subject to a 25% late fee.
Hospitality Taxes can be paid online with a Customer Self Service (CSS) Account. Visit the Hospitality Tax page for more information.
Visit the Accommodations Tax page for more information.
The tour tax is a $0.50 fee on every ticket of admission to a tour conducted on the public streets and sidewalks of the City of Charleston.
Tourism fees and required reports are due to the Director of Revenue Collections on the 15th day of each month. Visit the Tour Tax page for more information.
All business licenses expire on April 30th of each year. Business License Renewal Forms are typically mailed to business owners during April.
Business license renewals are based on previous year’s income (calendar year 2023 or preceding fiscal year).
If you have any questions or if your contact information has changed, please contact Revenue Collections by phone, 843-724-3711, or email,
For more information, visit the Business License Renewals webpage.
If you are opening a new business, doing business in the City, buying an existing business, or transferring a business to your ownership, you will need a new business license under your name.
A Business License is required for any business operating or generating income in the City of Charleston limits. Additionally, a business with a physical commercial location within the city, will need a Business License & Certificate of Occupancy (BL&CO). Please see below for more information.
If you are operating the business out of your home, you are also required to complete a Home Occupation Application. See below for more information about Home Occupations.
Contractors doing business in the City of Charleston limits are required to complete a Business License application.
All Special Event Vendors are required to obtain a Business License for events within the City of Charleston limits. A Special Event Vendor is defined as a vendor who sets up a booth or occupies a specific area at a special event, such as, but not limited to, a festival, parade, or exposition for the purposes of selling goods and services at that special event.
Businesses without a physical location in the City of Charleston are still required to obtain a Business License before doing business within the City limits. The annual business license fee is based on gross income that was collected inside the City of Charleston during the previous year.
A Business License & Certificate of Occupancy (BL&CO) application is required for any business with a physical location within the city limits.
Estimated Review Time: Our team’s goal is to respond to initial applications within 10 business days. Please note that incomplete applications, missing attachments, failed inspections, or failure to pay fees will extend this process. Our team notifies applicants via email and the CSS portal to request revisions or when inspections are ready to be scheduled. Upon passing inspection and paying fees, businesses will receive approval and may open. It can take up to 3-4 weeks to complete the entire process and for a BL&CO to be issued.
Submit completed Business License Certificate of Occupancy application through the City's Customer Self Service (CSS) Portal | email to | by mail at ATTN: Revenue Collections Business License P.O. Box 22009 Charleston, SC 29413-2009 | or drop-off at the Permit Center.
The Zoning Department will confirm that the property you are planning to occupy is zoned for your business's particular use. Contact Zoning at (843) 724-3765 before signing a lease or purchasing property to ensure you can operate your type of business at that particular location.
Zoning regulations address a wide range of issues, including: type of commercial use, allowed hours of business use, parking, and signage.
You can also view which properties are located within the City limits and their zoning designations using the City's Interactive Zoning Map.
The Building Inspections Division ensures that the physical structure is in compliance with all building codes/requirements for the Certificate of Occupancy.
Floor Plans: All BL&CO applications require a detailed floor plan of the space the business is planning to occupy. Any business that is not an assembly, restaurant, or institutional space can submit a hand drawn floor plan following the Required Attachments - Floor Plan guide on page 4 of the BL&CO application.
Building Permits: Any building, mechanical, electrical, plumbing, and fuel-gas work requires additional permits. Visit the Permit Center - Applications & Guidelines page for more information.
The Fire Marshal Division conducts a fire safety inspection by reviewing the business activity and facility to help ensure minimum fire safety requirements have been achieved. The applicant must complete the Fire Inspection Self Survey as part of their BL&CO application and provide it to the Fire Marshal at time of inspection.
Once all internal reviews are complete, the applicant will receive an email notification to schedule an in person Fire Inspection through the City's Customer Self Service (CSS) Portal. Please note: This can take up to 3 business days to schedule.
If you have questions about scheduling your Fire Inspection, please contact (843) 973-7230. You can also find your designated Fire Marshal through the City's Fire Marshal Assignment Map.
Once the BL&CO is approved, the Business License Division will contact you to assign your business a NAICS Code. Business license fees are based on the type of business (NAICS Code) and the projected gross income of the business for the balance of the calendar year. An invoice will be sent to the applicant's CSS Account and email.
How to Pay Business License Fees:
Once all fees are paid, the Business License & Certificate of Occupancy will be sent to the applicant via email and a hard copy will be mailed.
The Business License & Certificate of Occupancy must be framed and posted within 10 feet of the primary entry door, or approved alternate location, with the top of the frame measuring no higher than 6 feet above the floor and an immediate view of the public.
A home occupation is an occupation, profession, or trade that is conducted within a dwelling by the resident of that dwelling.
Home occupations must be incidental and subordinate to the residential use, cannot constitute a nuisance or adversely affect adjoining properties, and must meet requirements listed on the application.
Approval of a home occupation remains in effect as long as you remain at the same location and meet all of the conditions set forth in the City's Zoning Ordinance, Section 54-211. Should you move and relocate within the City of Charleston, you will be required to reapply for home occupation approval.
Home Occupation approval can be revoked if it is found that any of the conditions of the Home Occupation requirements are being violated.
Submit completed application to | by mail at ATTN: Revenue Collections Business License P.O. Box 22009 Charleston, SC 29413-2009 | or drop-off at the Permit Center.
For additional information, contact the Revenue Collections Division at (843) 724-3711.
Non-profit organizations may be exempt from the City’s business license fee.
In order to determine if your organization is exempt, you must submit a copy of your organization's 501(c)(3) status and complete Business License Application or a Business License & Certificate of Occupancy (BL&CO) Application if it's a commercial location located within City of Charleston limits.
Submit completed application to | by mail at ATTN: Revenue Collections Business License P.O. Box 22009 Charleston, SC 29413-2009 | or drop-off at the Permit Center.
To cancel a Business License, complete the Cancellation of Business License form.
Submit completed application to | by mail at ATTN: Revenue Collections Business License P.O. Box 22009 Charleston, SC 29413-2009 | or drop-off at the Permit Center.
Whether you are starting a new business or relocating a business to Charleston, the Business Services Division is here to assist you!
If you need assistance navigating the city's licensing and permitting processes, please contact the Business Services Division at 843-724-7472 or .
Business Services works to promote and maintain a strong business climate through the City and to foster a healthy and sustainable economy. Some of our services include:
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