Business License Information

All businesses operating or generating income in the City of Charleston are required to pay an annual business license fee for the privilege of doing business in the City. Click on the drop down bars below to find more information on the City's business license process and requirements.

Customer Self Service (CSS) Portal

Create a Customer Self Service (CSS) account to apply for permits, schedule inspections, renew business licenses, search public records, and more!

  1. Complete the CSS online account authorization form.
  2. Register your CSS Account. Please note, this can take up to 3 business days to process.

If you have trouble creating an account, contact our Digital Services Specialist at (843) 579-7683 or .

Local Fees & Renewals

Review business license fees, local taxes such as the Hospitality Tax, and how to annually renew a business license.

Permit Center

2 George Street - Suite 3700, First Floor, Charleston, SC 29401

Phone: (843) 724-3711

Visit the Permit Center webpage for more information.

Business License Fee

Annual license fees are based on the gross income for the business or projected gross for new businesses and the rate class based on NAICS code. Once your business license application is approved, you will receive an invoice to pay your business license fee.

Hospitality Taxes

The hospitality tax is a uniform tax of 2% on the gross proceeds derived from the sales of prepared meals, food, and beverages sold in or by establishments, or those licensed for on-premises consumption of alcoholic beverages, beer, or wine.

The 2% hospitality tax is due on the 20th day of each month. Payments submitted after the 20th are subject to a 25% late fee.

Hospitality Taxes can be paid online with a Customer Self Service (CSS) Account. Visit the Hospitality Tax page for more information.

Accommodations Tax

Visit the Accommodations Tax page for more information.

Tour Tax

The tour tax is a $0.50 fee on every ticket of admission to a tour conducted on the public streets and sidewalks of the City of Charleston.

Tourism fees and required reports are due to the Director of Revenue Collections on the 15th day of each month. Visit the Tour Tax page for more information.

All business licenses expire on April 30th of each year. Business License Renewal Forms are typically mailed to business owners during April.

Business license renewals are based on previous year’s income (calendar year 2023 or preceding fiscal year).

How to Renew a Business License: